Although a priori these pages may look similar to the business pages, the reality is that go far beyond. The universities may have their own page on LinkedIn.
The interesting thing however is that LinkedIn uses its database of social network profiles to link to the page of the university. So we know what those who have been members of a university do, in which sectors or firms work, where they live or what kind of job they have.
Following this, we can see what type of job opportunities offer each of the universities. This is definitely a great tool for choosing university to prospective students. It is also, without doubt, an excellent channel for accessing LinkedIn profiles of people who have attended a particular university a particular year and who now lives in a particular city, for what LinkedIn offers many search filters.
If we go for example to the LinkedIn page of the University of Barcelona, we can obtain information about 80803 profiles, knowing that Novartis with 169 students and alumni is the private company that has created more jobs for graduates of the University of Barcelona and the education sector, followed by sales or commercial, are the most popular business sector for students.
The page template for universities is the same for all. In terms of design, it includes a logo and header picture as almost all social networks. But it also allows universities to offer updates on news and activities, allow students or future students to ask questions, and engage both the university community and with alumni.
With this step, LinkedIn intends to enter the segment of younger people. Nowadays, LinkedIn is still perceived as a social network for professionals with several years of experience.
LinkedIn currently has 240 million professional profiles, allowing a perfect picture of what profile of professionals each university generates. I am sure that future students will appreciate it.
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