Vòlum Arquitectura Tèxtil is a company with over 25 years experience in the field of textile decoration. Throughout this time the company has focused on providing its customers with high quality products and solutions in the field of textile decoration, always with a great commitment to innovation. With the web design provided we have tried to catch these company values transforming it into an attractive message. Following this, we have designed a premium and elegant web design proposal where large images have a great importance so as to catch the attention of the customer, at the same time that allowing the user to see in detail the type of product that the company is selling: curtains for hotels and textile decoration for companies and clubs.
The sections "Product Type " and " Projects" seek to provide all relevant information and advice that the client requires, always in an environment of simplicity and clearness of presentation of the curtains and products.
Furthermore, in terms of web design and web programming, the web includes some interesting elements such as innovative navigation and transitions between images that simulate the movement of curtains, very much in line with the type of product that is being advertised.
As regards to online marketing, we have developed an online strategy that will focus on the SEO for keywords such as cortinas hoteles o decoración textil.
We invite you to take a look. We wish that you like it as much as we and our client do.