You can now use
Updated: 07 / 03 / 2022

You can now use

Francesc Sánchez La Teva Web SEO
Francesc Sánchez
Digital marketing expert
SectorLet's talk about
In Internet we tend to shorten all URLs as much as possible, hence the success of webs such as We like to do this in order to avoid mistakes and, above all, write less. Therefore already allows your pages to work with  instead of Therefore,you can access our Facebook page either through or

We cannot say that it's a giant step in the evolution of Facebook but it is one of these little things that make our lives easier, at least to those designers who have tried to incorporate the direction of our Facebook for our business cards or corporate material, it is not easy to fit long urls such as /latevaweb in a c.

Google plus could take note and start using friendly urls. Have you tried putting on your business card? Impossible mission.  At least we could work with
Francesc Sánchez La Teva Web SEO
About the author
Francesc Sánchez — Digital marketing expert
From Barcelona, expert in digital marketing. Founder and CEO of La Teva Web and launcher of our magnificent blog. I am pleased to have laid the first stone of the foundations that support our values: happy customers and projects that leave their mark.

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