
Web design and SEO for seafood ecommerce

Since its creation, Freshcado has consolidated itself in the fishing sector, offering high quality fish and seafood that meet the criteria of high-end restaurants, to consumers in Guadalajara and other regions of Spain.
E-commerce for Freshcado
Freshcado Basket

Freshcado has more than 70 years of experience in the sector and offers very fresh and high quality products.

They are committed to excellence and this has given them a good reputation, backed by three generations and many satisfied customers. They operate from Mercamadrid, and guarantee a wide selection of fresh and high quality products.
Unlike traditional fishmongering, where fish goes through several intermediaries, Freshcado sells fish and seafood with the utmost freshness, optimizing the online purchase process to quickly deliver the best products that come from the sea.

Ecommerce design for Freshcado

With the design of the website for Freshcado, the aim was to transmit the experience and dedication of the company in the fish and seafood sales sector. In addition to making ecommerce, pages have been created to present to the team, a section where the company and its history are discussed, and a last section where the export area is concerned. 

For the design of Freshcado’s ecommerce, the user experience has been taken into account, so that interaction within the web is easy and intuitive. Regarding the colors used, corporates have been taken into account, in this case blue, representative color of the sea. It is important to note that the design of the web is minimalist since it combines the blue color with the white in addition to incorporating serif-free typography and clear and visually attractive images with bright colors. 

On the pages of each product a high quality image is shown together with detailed descriptions, prices and selection options to adjust the cut and quantity of the product to be purchased. Freshcado not only offers seafood and fish, but also a wide variety of products such as Japanese food, smoked food, canned food and typical Japanese beverages. In addition, they have a pantry section with a selection of articles such as oils, flours, condiments and wine.

On the other hand, the aim was to emphasize the reduction of shipping costs for orders over €50. To do this, an information bar has been included at the beginning of the page that informs about this advantage, thus encouraging users to make purchases. This is particularly important considering that the shipment of this type of product requires cooling, which increases the cost of shipments. In addition, when accessing the shopping cart, a section has been added that indicates the remaining amount necessary for the shipping costs to be free. And even a section with related products that the user is included in their shopping cart.

SEO for Freshcado 

At the level of digital marketing, the strategy focuses on organic positioning, which begins with a keyword research, which helps us to find suitable words to be able to position the web. In this case the starting words were fishmonger in Guadalajara (because it is located in this city) and on the other hand, different types of products offered by the company such as: corbina, nero, orada, drinks and Japanese food.

In addition, the content of the web has been optimized with metatitles and metadescriptions together with the optimization of images including the high attribute and taking into account the weight of them. 
To achieve a good organic positioning, a blog section is created where content is published, taking into account the keywords that interest you to position in Freshcado. In addition, the page has a responsive design, to ensure that the online store adapts to different screen sizes and guarantees fast loading times on mobile devices.

If you like this project and want to digitize your business, do not hesitate to contact La Teva Web.
Bruno Díaz Marketing Manager
About the author
Bruno Díaz — Marketing Manager
Professional with a long career as a communication and digital marketing consultant, specializing in SEO, SEM and web projects. As Marketing Manager of the agency, I coordinate a great team of digital marketing technicians of which I am very proud.

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