Google just updated its search algorithm, with the goal of ever: to offer better results. Caffeine Google Google Panda lead to the penguin.
The primary objective of the new algorithm is to increase the pressure on those websites that contravene the famous Google's quality guidelines and eliminate fraudulent practices in
positioning. Its incidence is estimated to affect 3% of all consults.
Who should fear Google Penguin? Basically excessively optimized websites being programmed specifically for Google and not for users. This was always a premise for Google: if you want your site ranking well, content is the key: generate quality content and you will get!
If you have a website you should ask yourself if:
- You use text or hidden links.
- You use cloaking or sneaky redirects.
- You send automated queries to Google.
- Loads pages with irrelevant keywords.
- You generate duplicate content.
- You create pages with viruses or malware.
- You use doorway pages created just for search engines.
- You use affiliate programs with non-original content.
Although none of these guidelines is new, Google will improve its ability to detect these tricks on websites. If your website makes some of this ... you have more reason to worry about a possible penalty.