We make the website of Vertigen
Updated: 13 / 10 / 2021

We make the website of Vertigen

Francesc Sánchez La Teva Web SEO
Francesc Sánchez
Digital marketing expert
We have made the website of Vertigen from Barcelona, it is a company focused on the restoration of urban and industrial buildings using the techniques of vertical works. The design of the website is in accordance with the dynamic spirit of the service offered by Vertigen.

The Vertigen website is a corporate presentation of the company. It includes, among other elements, examples of projects done and a wide range of services. It incorporates elements of Flash and Actionscript.
Francesc Sánchez La Teva Web SEO
About the author
Francesc Sánchez — Digital marketing expert
From Barcelona, expert in digital marketing. Founder and CEO of La Teva Web and launcher of our magnificent blog. I am pleased to have laid the first stone of the foundations that support our values: happy customers and projects that leave their mark.

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