Ranking of search engines. Google continues unabated
Updated: 07 / 02 / 2022

Ranking of search engines. Google continues unabated

Francesc Sánchez La Teva Web SEO
Francesc Sánchez
Digital marketing expert
SectorLet's talk about
Google search engine remains the reference in the world-level desktop computer with a market share of 82% worldwide in June 2012, the same as last year.

Yahoo, despite being the dominant search engine in the past is left with a tiny market share of 7%, although it does grow slightly over May half point. Bing, despite the efforts of Microsoft, still not taking off and stays in a mere 5% of market share.

The remaining 5% split between Bing and local search engines, which highlights the Chinese search engine Baidu with 4%.

With respect to mobile devices, Google's advantage is even higher with 91% market share, followed by Yahoo with 5%, Bing with 1% and Baidu falling to 1%.

Google will continue for a long time focusing efforts at the level of SEO and online marketing sector.
Francesc Sánchez La Teva Web SEO
About the author
Francesc Sánchez — Digital marketing expert
From Barcelona, expert in digital marketing. Founder and CEO of La Teva Web and launcher of our magnificent blog. I am pleased to have laid the first stone of the foundations that support our values: happy customers and projects that leave their mark.

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