In Catalonia, 96% of households have mobile phones and over 75% have a computer. With respect to Catalan companies, all companies with more than 10 workers have a computer. However, only 76.8% of companies with less than 10 workers have a computer.
With respect to the use of online marketing and Internet companies in Catalonia, only 21.4% of companies with less than 10 employees have a website, a figure that drops dramatically when analyzing online marketing in these companies. With respect to e-commerce, only 16% of companies with more than 10 employees sell over the Internet, either via website or online store.
Comparing Catalonia with the rest of Euroregions, Catalonia ranks number 20 of 269, after Euroegions such as the Community of Madrid, London or Berlin, but also Lisbora or Central Hungary.
Government needs to put in place plans to improve the technological infrastructure of Catalonia and stimulate companies effort for taking advantage of the ecommerce and marketing online. Not surprisingly, the Internet is the main export tool to publicize all companies.