In Spain there are 47,190,493 inhabitants of whom 54.81% are Internet users. While the level of Internet users penetration level can be considered medium, the use of the social network LinkedIn, consider low.
In March 2012, there were 2.6 million of LinkedIn users in Spain, compared with 16 million users of Facebook, which is a very low figure when comparing to countries like the U.S. (18.87%), Canada (15.16 %) or UK (13.42%) and Australia (13.17).
Spain holds the rank of tenth largest users around the world, with a penetration of 5.66% and 2.6 million users. However, in percentage terms other European countries like Denmark (14.97%) and Netherlands (18.68%) far outweigh us. But surprisingly, countries like Germany (1.83%) and France (4.98%) the use of this network is absolutely waste. One explanation is the Xing network penetration popular in Europe and relatively unknown in America.
58% of LinkedIn users in Spain are men compared to 42% that are women. By age, the age group 35 to 44 years is the majority with over 52% of total users, followed by 25 to 34 years with 27%. It is also relevant that 94% of LinkedIn users have higher education in Spain.
Searching for contacts for commercial reasons is the largest value of this social network users.
A LinkedIn has much to progress in Europe and also perceived as a very specific network for jobs in high profile. Unlike other continents, the social network in Europe suffers from competition from networks such as Xing and particularly in Spain of specialized web sites of job recruiting such as Infojobs.
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