As happened with Iphone, Apple sees as its reign in the world of tablets is seriously threatened. Apple continues to dominate the tablet market with a 22% of market share in the first quarter of 2014. However, Samsung has cut distances in few months, as it happened with previous mobile war, with just 2 percentage points of market share less than Apple. It is important to remember that distance between both companies was up to 17 percentage points by the end of 2013. This indicates that Samsung could take over from Apple this same year in terms of sales units.
The tablet market is highly concentrated and the following competitors, Asus and Lenovo, are left with a 6.3% and 6.1% market share respectively.
Samsung has achieved this breakthrough by the continued launch of new products and the ability to offer a wide range of prices.
As regards to operating systems, Android is still the unbeatable leader with 59% market share, followed by iOS remote with 35.4% and Windows with only 5.7%.