Felicitas Ordás is a Spanish hairdresser. She is famous worldwide due to her innovative style. Her style has brought her to become a representative of top hairdressing brands and to become a personality to follow in the world of avant-garde trends in fashion and hairdressing.
LA TEVA WEB has developed a corporate blog for Felicitas Ordás, where she can address to her followers and communicate their thoughts and fashion ideas. The advantage of a corporate blog is to overcome the barrier of a website where the communication is just one way, when in a blog it becomes bidirectional. Following this, Felicitas is able to receive feedback from their fans via comments and contributions to her blog. Contributions that are complemented by an online marketing strategy in terms of social networks, especially Facebook, and SEO.
Felicitas offers hairdressing and styling tips through her blog called Hair&Many other things, she speaks about current trends in fashion and provides with tutorials for hairdressers. These tutorials are, in fact, the blog posts that have more success.
For the development of blogs, there are various tools and existing platforms such as Tumblr, Blogger or WordPress. In this case we have chosen WordPress due to its great adaptability in terms of design and functionality.