Within the field of online marketing SEM (Search Engine Marketing) is very important. It is the management of sponsored ads on search engines. Google works with Google Adwords, undoubtedly the most popular and profitable service sponsored listings or PPC and, now, it will make big changes.
Google "lives" mainly from sponsored ads of Google Adwords and the company wants to increase its profitability. With this aim, the company wants to make these ads more attractive to advertisers and consumers. It offers the possibility of including images or photographs in the ads. Presumably, this decision has been very difficult for the company because there is the danger of "stain" its browser with an advertisement that will be much more visible. It will be less painful for its display network where images will be accepted up to 970x90 px. of size. Google will even use animated images and Flash.
The operation of the new ads will be very similar to today except that there will be very strict about the pictures: 150KB of maximun weight and accepted formats sucha as Jpg,. Png,. Gif and. Jpeg.
Once submitted the images, Google Adwords should give its approval and will allow only the use of those images that the client has full publishing rights over them.
The new feature is now available worldwide, but only for ads in English, although it is expected that soon adapt to other languages.