Google+ will be the brand new social network of the American giant, with the aim of promoting communication between people through the network, the project promises a new social network more humanan and close to real-life, while putting protection of privacy at its top importance allowing users to share just those contents they want with who they want.
Google Circles is the basis of the project. It is the creation of social circles, composed of people with whom we share information or content. That's in fact like life itself because our social activity is organized this way: in circles (the work, the school, the parents of school our children, and so on) where we talk about specific topics.
Furthermore, the new project gives a significant boost to direct contact through +hgangouts. It is a tool that lets you talk face to face with friends using multi-person video. It also uses mobile+ technology, integrating GPS, messaging and your camera phone to integrate the new social network.
Currently, the Google social network Google+ is just a trial version and only a lucky, accessible by invitation to try it.
Definitely, this new social network and promises much ahead of Google's previous projects in this field of social networks. Time will tell.