The price of .cat domains goes slightly down
Updated: 05 / 09 / 2022

The price of .cat domains goes slightly down

Francesc Sánchez La Teva Web SEO
Francesc Sánchez
Digital marketing expert
On 13 February 2006, a price cut for the .cat domain registration was announced. This announcement generated many expectations in the internet sector that made the expansion in the use of .cat domain. Unfortunately, the announced reduction has been 20%. Consequently, the registration price of a .cat domain continues to be the most expensive on the internet.

With the new price, the registration of a .cat domain costs three times as much as a .es domain or a .com domain, which acts as a barrier to the purchase and popularization of the domain .cat.

The only condition to be able to use the .cat domain is that the website has to use Catalan language.
Francesc Sánchez La Teva Web SEO
About the author
Francesc Sánchez — Digital marketing expert
From Barcelona, expert in digital marketing. Founder and CEO of La Teva Web and launcher of our magnificent blog. I am pleased to have laid the first stone of the foundations that support our values: happy customers and projects that leave their mark.

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