The third quarter of 2011 will set a new record of sales through online stores in Spain. With an increase of 27.4% compared to 2010 with respect to purchases with credit cards and accumulating two and half years of nonstop growth, reaching 1,053 million euros in 2011.
More and more companies are starting to sell through the Internet in combination with their physical presence. Main reasons for this are four:
The economic crisis and decline in sales make many companies to see the sale through online stores as an option to reverse this trend.
The consumer confidence in online shopping. It has grown thanks to the perception that payment is becoming safer.
The incorporation of younger consumers via consumer online shops and the largest introduction of tablets and smartphones allowing them to have online stores in their pockets.
The lower cost of launching an online store.
By region, Madrid with 24%, Catalunya with 23% and the Balearic Islands with 22% of online consumers are the most active regions in Spain. The most common profile of a Spanish user of online shops is a man between 25 and 34 years old.
By sector, the tourism sector continue being the most active with a 37% market share, followed by direct marketing with 7%.
It is foreseen that 2015 will be the year of the emergence of virtual stores sales in Spain with about half of the Spanish population as a usual buyer, especially in big cities like Barcelona and Madrid thanks especially to the high penetration of smartphones and tablets. The latter will force online shops to adapt to these supports across the board.
Finally, remember that to establish an ecommerce does not guarantee at all the success of it. The online store design, programming, online marketing, seo campaigns and social media are tools to bring customers to your store. However, the purchase process depends on many other factors: price, quality, product type, and son on.
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