Doraemon is a Japanese animated series created in 1973, based on the Manga of the same name by FujikoF. Fujio, who goes about a robotic cat who comes from the future to help the hapless Nobita. This animation has been very successful worldwide, becoming one of the most viewed animations and one of the favorites of children. In addition, several films and games have been produced. As a result, there are a lot of people interested in buying official Doraemon products and that’s why Luk International has trusted in La Teva Web to develop the Official Doraemon online store store for Spain and Portugal.
We are an official Prestashop agency , and this is the CMS used in this project. The choice of the Prestashop platform or CMS is not accidental, the official Doraemon store is not a simple online store. It is a Prestashop multistore for Spain and Portugal that allows the company to manage two online stores in one. In addition, this online store is connected to the official Shin Chan store, sharing management from a single web administrator. The multiple functionalities of Prestashop also allowed to meet all the functional requirements made by the Luk International company.
As web agency, when thinking about this project we ended with the idea of give a fun and childish design to the official online store, which with a graphic line that links to the product. However, we had also to focus on an adult audience, since adults are the ones that purchase products for their children. The website makes a characteristic use of illustrations in order to categorize the products, so that it is more visual and provides more colour.
The website makes a characteristic use of illustrations in order to categorize the products, so that it is more visual and provides more colour. We have also used the Sniglet typography in the headlines. This font is very characteristic of Doraemon, to give it more personality. For the rest of texts and buttons, we have used the Source Sans Pro typography.
You will also find different colours on the web, but the use of the characteristic blue colour of Doraemon stands out, since it is used in the menu, buttons, backgrounds of the product sheet, the newsletter, among others.
The shapes of the buttons and fields tend are rounded reminding us of the shape of the logo.
The website starts being a blank web page, but suddenly it starts incorporating colours and motifs throughout the web, to help structure the content.
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An official Prestashop agency for the official Doraemon store