Within online marketing, when we create an online store, customers often ask us how customers will arrive to the online shop or e-commerce.
According to a study carried on by Custora in the United States and analyzing the behaviour of more than 70 million online shoppers, Google and other search engines are often the first choice to get an online store and make a purchase, specifically covering 26% of the purchases. Quite close, there are up to 25% visits that directly access the online store because they already know the ecommerce. 17% of visits come from Email marketing campaigns and 16% correspond to the SEM or advertising via Google Adwords. As regards Google Adsense, it only generates 1% of those visits that will end buying something in our e-commerce. In addition 10% usually arrive by membership campaigns and 5% by other means.
As regards to social media, the percentage of visits that results in a purchase is reduced to 2%, 1 percentage point down on 2012. This is a very low percentage and certainly seems to confirm the theory that social networks are used to inform about new product launches and advising clients that will later on get to the e-commerce through other channels.
If we look more in depth what kind of social network provides online stores with more successful customers, we are not surprised to see that Facebook accounts for 80% of visits, followed by Pinterest with 1% and Twitter with 5%.
In conclusion, we must remember that although SEO is the best channel to attract shoppers to online stores, we can not forget other channels such as email marketing and affiliate programs. It is the sum of all online sales channels that can bring true success to our online store.