In Spain there are 47,190,493 inhabitants of whom 54.81% are Internet users. Both Internet users and penetration of Facebook can be considered average.
In February 2012, in Spain there were 16 million users of Facebook, ranking the country ranking fifteenth users around the world, with a penetration of 34.29%. However, in terms of percentage of users, we are situated in 76 place, behind countries like the U.S. (50.25%) and Denmark (51.71%) but ahead of countries like Germany (28.26%). Only in September 2011 to February 2012 the number of users of Facebook grew up in Spain by 1.4 million users.
51% of Facebook users in Spain are women compared with 49% being men. By age, the age group 25 to 34 years is the majority with 32% of total users, followed by 35 to 44 years with 24%. With respect to the strip younger, 16 to 24 years occupies 25%. Using Facebook for over 44 years is minimal.