Facebook page management Barcelona

Management of pages and strategy on Facebook

Facebook is the social network par excellence, the social network on which users undertake the greater part of their social activities on the Internet. On Facebook we interact with people we know and we air our opinions and publish what we want others to see.  Facebook offers endless opportunities, not just for people, but also for brands and companies, both large and small.

Facebook Agency Barcelona

Facebook the social network par excellence

The use of Facebook has also substantially changed the behaviour of users on the Internet, if before we used to look for information, now we have got used to receiving information. All this potential makes Facebook the social network par excellence for individuals and the greatest focus of attention for companies and brands.

Fill your life with likes
Facebook for companies Barcelona

Why Facebook is so goof for companies

Facebook allows companies and brands to:

  • Segment the market and find potential clients for their services and products.
  • Create a community around their company.
  • Extend the reach of company communications and traffic to their websites.
  • Improve their organic optimization on search engines such as Google.
  • Create awareness and increase the notoriety of brands.
  • Create customer loyalty.
  • Undertake promotional and loyalty campaigns.
  • Add new customer service options and reduction in costs. Facebook is a great channel for after-sales services.
  • Achieve more sales.
Seduce through the image to generate more engagement
online marketing agency

Social networks that we work

We help you define and implement strategies in social networks, such as:

We can also help you in deciding the strategy in social networks that your company has to follow in order to communicate effectively and in accordance with your corporate identity through our Social Media Planns.

Put your Facebook in good hands